On April 17, 1906 the brand name of OSRAM was entered in the Trademark Directory of the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin. OSRAM has its headquarters in Munich and employs more than 39.000 people throughout the world. Nowadays, OSRAM produces with around 39.000 employees worldwide in about 46 production facilities in 17 countries sales of 4 billion euros. Who would have thought hundred years ago, that the electronic in light sources - not exclusively in light emitting diodes (LED) and other opto-semiconductor products - will play a bigger role in the lighting market.
OSRAM is one of the two largest lighting manufacturers in the world. With sales outside Germany accounting for 88 % of total turnover and a sales presence on every continent,OSRAMare a true global player. Lamps and lighting systems from OSRAM provide the basis for a beautiful view of things; ensure safety and comfort, allowing for the efficient use of resources. For more than 100 years, OSRAM has been "passionate about intelligent light". As a globally operating company, it also explicitly encourages socially and environmentally responsible policies around the world - as well as sponsoring art and culture at home and abroad.
OSRAM is a high-tech company in the lighting industry. Over the next few years OSRAM expects strongest growth in innovations. OSRAM generates over 66 per cent of sales from energy-efficient products. The highest sales are achieved by the General Lighting division. OSRAM is the world's number one supplier of automotive lamps and LED for vehicles. OSRAM is also one of the market leaders in the field of electronic control gear (ECG) for lamps. Business with optical semiconductors is growing rapidly and has taken on major strategic importance. The special display-optic lamp sector is also characterised by a high rate of innovation.
OSRAM is product portfolio consists of Sensor, optoelectronic component, programmer, development system.