Numonyx (constant) in April 2008 was officially established in Holland, registration, headquartered in Switzerland, the main operating will Numonyx early for non-volatile memory system service and provide integrated r&d and manufacture products, in order to DSC, MP3 / PMP, mobile phones, computers and other various terminal product innovation. Numonyx operation business division NORFlash) from Intel (Intel and stmicroelectronics (ST) NANDFlash part in 2007, the company has two big business department of total about $3.6 billion. Currently hold the equity of pt 48.1% beating ST Intel, while holding 45.1% FranciscoPartners invest $150 million, 6.3 per cent of the equity.Now Numonyx main business projects can be divided into two major blocks, the first part for system design services range, automotive, consumer electronics products, industrial, computer and peripheral equipment, memory card processing and wireless communication technology solutions. The second part is for storage technology related technologies and products manufacturing, content includes TTL NAND and PCM, memory, MCP, software development and application.
Micron is one of the world's leading semiconductor companies. By Numonyx acquisition added Micron innovative products, and strengthen the breadth of combination of their ability to meet your demand for memory.
They not only have to meguiar and constant movement and the embedded joint service tomarket, and also to the market of product output. In fact, their products to further expanded memory meguiar solution. From the TTL NAND and DRAM to memory, and PCM and software support system for storage solutions, they will support the unprecedented.
In the non-volatile memory industry, the NAND flash market is the fastest growing. Due to the increasing demands on the capacity, performance and cost of non-volatile memory for various multimedia system products, the market demand for NAND flash memory has been strongly promoted. For applications that require large data storage space, such as digital cameras and camcorders, personal digital assistants (PDAs), MP3 players and consumer digital devices (including 3G mobile phones), and mobile storage media (such as USB flash drives and flash cards) NAND flash is the ideal solution.
ST's NAND flash family is targeted at a wide range of applications. These applications often require different storage capacities (from 128Mbit to 8Gbit and above), different page sizes (528B/264W and 2112B/1056W), and feature modular interfaces. In addition, they require memory size independent of memory capacity, support for 1.8 volt and 3 volt input voltages, and a variety of packaging options.
ST Italian NAND Flash Flash Memory Ordering Model:
Flash card, CompactFlash;
Numonyx is product portfolio consists of Flash card, CompactFlash; MCP, Flash NAND + LPSRAM;NAND MLC, NAND SLC, NAND TLC;.