DATEL, Inc. is a leading supplier of high-precision data acquisition components and DC-DC converters. DATEL's leadership in high-performance data acquisition components is not challenged, thanks in large part to DATEL's engineering expertise to develop solutions with excellent electrical performance, small package, low power consumption and ease of use . These products use five basic technologies: monolithic IC, thin film hybrid, thick film hybrid, SMT technology and discrete component circuits. DATEL's DC DC converter product line includes non-isolated load point DC / DC, switching regulators, and a complete line of industry-standard brick packages (sixteenth, eighth, quarter, half and full Railway DC-DC converter.
Hold Amplifiers | CMOS Flash A/D | Digital-to-Analog Converters | Multiplexers | |DC-DC Converters | Non-Isolated POL Series | Half-Brick DC-DC Converters | Full-Brick DC-DC Converters | Railway DC-DC Converters | Switching Regulators | 1x1, A-Series | 24-Pin DIP, TF Series | Sixteenth-Brick DC-DC Converters | Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters | Quarter-Brick DC-DC Converters
DATEL is product portfolio consists of monolithic IC, thin-film hybrid, thick-film hybrid, SMT technologies and discrete component circuits.